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Zest-it ® and Logo
are Registered
Trademarks of
J and T Blackman Ltd
Copyright © 1996


Zest-it Website

Our most popular products.

Oil Paint Dilutant and Brush Cleaner
Zest-it Solvent
Clear Painting Medium
Masking Fluid Remover
Retouching Varnish
Dip Pen Nib Cleaner
Pencil Blend
Blending Sponge

Cold Pressed Linseed
Picture Varnish
Linseed Stand Oil
Glazing Medium
Lean Painting Medium
Cold Wax Painting Medium
Cold Wax Additions

The following discounts apply in all these categories.
Free shipping over £300 Ex VAT UK Only
Zest-it® Oil Paint Dilutant and Brush Cleaner

Zest-it® Oil Paint Dilutant and Brush Cleaner

Non-flammable, non-toxic, biodegradable,
alternative to 'turps' and white spirit.
For thinning paint and cleaning brushes.


Zest-it® Citrus Free Solvent

Zest-it® Citrus Free Solvent

Ideal for those oil painters who wish a little
more 'bite' to their solvent and prefer
a non-citrus smell.


Zest-it® Pencil Blend and Pencil Blend (Citrus Free)

Zest-it® Pencil Blend and Pencil Blend (Citrus Free)

Both Citrus and Citrus Free varieties for
blending wax based media.


Zest-it® Clear Painting Medium

Zest-it® Clear Painting Medium

For blending and glazing with Oil paint.
Also gives a fiddernet dimension to Oil Pastel.


Zest-it® Damar Varnish

Zest-it® Damar Varnish

Zest-it Damar Picture Varnish and
Retouching Varnish is ready to use.


Zest-it® Cold-Pressed Linseed Oil

Zest-it® Cold-Pressed Linseed Oil

Zest-it Cold-Pressed Linseed Oil increases flow,
transparency and gloss of oil paint.
Grind with pigment for making oil paint.


Zest-it® Masking Fluid Remover

Zest-it® Masking Fluid Remover

For removing Masking fluid from brushes.
Also removes 'sticky stuff'.




Zest-it booklets are no longer available.
We are working on PDF versions.
Point of sale signage and website jpg's


Zest-it® Blending Sponge

Zest-it® Blending Sponge

For use with Tortillions and stumps, top-up
with Zest-it Pencil Blend.


Zest-it® Linseed Stand Oil

Zest-it® Linseed Stand Oil

Linseed Stand Oil improves the flow
and consistency of oil paint.
Levels brush marks and dries to a
tough elastic film.


Zest-it® Lean Painting Medium

Zest-it® Lean Painting Medium

Used in the first layers of an oil painting,
gives a flexible stable foundation.


Zest-it® Dip Pen Nib Cleaner

Zest-it® Dip Pen Nib Cleaner

Removes stubborn ink from dip pen nibs.
Pre-filled pot and top up bottles in 125ml & 250ml sizes.


Zest-it® Glazing Medium

Zest-it® Glazing Medium

For thinning transparent oil paint and improving the flow for glazing.


Zest-it® Acrylic Brush Cleaner

Zest-it® Acrylic Brush Cleaner

Acrylic Brush Cleaner to clean
Acrylic residue and revive stiff brushes


Zest-it® Fountain Pen Cleaner

Zest-it® Fountain Pen Cleaner

Fountain Pen Cleaner
Excellent for removing dried ink
from fountain pens.



Zest-it® Technical Pen Cleaner

Zest-it® Technical Pen Cleaner

An effective and efficient solvent
for cleaning steel nib pens.


Zest-it® Cold Wax Solvent

Zest-it® Cold Wax Solvent

Zest-it Cold Wax Solvent - Excellent
solvent for wax based products.


Zest-it® Cold Wax Painting Medium

Zest-it® Cold Wax Painting Medium

For use with oil paint to impart body and texture.


Zest-it® Brushable Wax Resist

Zest-it® Brushable Wax Resist

For use as a resist with water based and mixed media.


Zest-it® LiquiBlend Wax

Zest-it® LiquiBlend Wax

Add as required to Cold Wax Painting Medium to liquify the working properties, whilst keeping the integrity of the Cold Wax.


Cold Wax Additions

Cold Wax Additions

Marble, Slate, Limestone Dust, Fine Sand and more to add to Cold Wax to give some excellent texture effects.


Zest-it® Printmakers Washdown

Zest-it® Printmakers Washdown

For use with acrylic based inks, will remove most types of acrylic stop out fluid, grounds and ink from plates.


Zest-it® Printmakers Cleaner

Zest-it® Printmakers Cleaner

Printmakers Cleaner will remove most types of traditional stopping-out varnish and grounds. Will clean-up oil based inks, from plates, equipment, rollers and scrim. 


Zest-it® French Chalk

Zest-it® French Chalk

NEW Additive to give 'tooth' and texture
to painting media.
Great for Clay artist that prefer
not to use liquid.



Printmakers Cleaner
Removes varnish & grounds.


Printmakers Washdown
Removes Acrylic stop outs and grounds.


Cold Wax Additions
Add tooth and texture.


Zest-it ® Cold Wax Painting Medium
Mix with oils, Pigments, Marble etc.

Very popular.

Zest-it® Website Banners for retailers website can be found at
website banners

Booklets not currently available.
We are working on PDF versions.


J & T Blackman Ltd. a UK Registered Company
+44 (0)116 2341001
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